The Basics
Lander Llama Company, LLC recommends that the llama rental program is for experienced high alpine backcountry travelers. The llama rental program is NOT a guided trip and does not include the benefits of a guided trip. Leasing pack llamas, and paying wranglers or guides that are not authorized, is illegal. We provide the pack llamas and their essential gear including saddles and packs. You are responsible for your own camping equipment, and wilderness itinerary. We provide, for a fee, transportation for the rented llamas to your desired trailhead where permitted. We do not have the capacity to transport people and camping gear to the trailheads A contract and waiver will be signed at the completion of the mandatory training class and/or at the trailhead for re-peat customers. We have a strict cancellation policy and highly recommend communication with all of your group participants, should they be financially included. Insurance is recommended.
Rates are $95.00/day for each llama. There is a minimum 2 llama, 3 day rental.
Training Session
There is a mandatory training session for first time handlers at Lander Llama Company's ranch. The training sessions last 3 hours and are held any day before your departure. You may start or join in any scheduled training session during the season. The cost is $100 for 1-4 adults, and $30/adult over 4 (12 yrs and older may pay and take the course). No unsupervised children may take the training course. The training sessions are scheduled at 4:00 PM any day. First time training sessions will not be held at trailheads. Repeat trained customers, in the last two years, can have a no-charge "refresher" training at their chosen trail head, and is not structured for new handlers of the llamas.
Llama Shuttle
We offer a llama drop off and pick up service predominately on the eastern side of the Wind River Range. Drop off and pick up fees for the llamas can range from $90.00 to $625.00 round trip in most areas, with a possible 10% fuel surcharge. Drop off and pick up fees can be customized to other parts of Wyoming with agency authorizations. We drop off your llamas at your desired trailhead at 9:00 AM and pick them up on your return date at 4:00 PM. Trained handlers must be at the trailheads for receiving and returning the llamas to Lander Llama Company at the above contract times. You may transport your rented llamas on your own with pre-approved transportation vehicles and a scheduled contractual pick-up/drop-off times for a fee of $65.00. No rented llamas may leave the state of Wyoming.
If you are traveling in the Popo Agie Wilderness a free "Survey of Usage and Information Permit for Livestock" is required by the U.S.F.S. Washakie District, 333 E. Main, Lander, WY 82520-3499 (307)-332-5460. If you will be traveling in the Bridger Wilderness you will need a free "Bridger Wilderness Stock Visitor Application" from the Pinedale Ranger District, Bridger-Teton, Box 220, Pinedale, WY 82941 (307)-367-4326. You may pick up these permits during business hours or order the permits by mail or phone. We do not issue permits, but permit applications can be downloaded at LLC and is included in all rental reservations. They then can be sent to the appropriate agency to send back to the applicant. The U.S.F.S.generally is not open on Sat. or Sun. In other areas please check with the local land management agency for the appropriate permits. These permits are your responsibility, and must be secured prior to your training session.
There are also local retailers who sell maps, along with the U.S.F.S where you may purchase maps over the counter. Some stores are not open on Sunday. Maps may also be purchased on the internet from the USES and retailers at our web site under "For Sale" - "Topo Maps and Books"
Bear Food Storage Orders
Wilderness travelers must store food appropriately by hanging in trees or in bear resistant containers. Please review the Bear Food Storage Orders.
Lander Llama Company, LLC-2024 Mortimore-Lander, WY 82520 307-332-5624

Lander Llama Company